Through coloured glasses...

They say when you look through rose colored glasses everything looks nice...

Anyone willing to lend me a pair?

I edited this picture pushing the contrast, hue and brightness to the extremes. In spite of many distortions, The picture retains it's original charm (in my view).

This seems to be one of those rare occasions where essence of nature manages to override the harsh human interference.

(If observed carefully, an inverted image of the lawn and blue sky complete with a silhouette of a palm tree can be seen in the drop of water)


  1. I feel the color is a little too saturated. The composition and the droplet are perfect though. Of course color preference is highly subjective.

  2. Thanks for your comment,
    Yes I think it the extent that it looks grainy.

    I guess in a way my pictures show my emotions...and apparently I have some strong and gloomy ones !!! :D

    Thanks again for the comment, its very useful to know where I go I learn out of it :)

  3. Beautiful tweaking of colors... I've tried the same too, but not always it comes out right. Guess it depends on the original color.

    PS: I was wondering if it was a beetle, that clear drop of water. Great capture!

  4. Good concept and a nice effort too!

    I too agree that the noise is too much in the snap ;)

  5. Thanks for the nice comments,

    @Harumi; Yea I'm still in the trial and error phase in photo editing.

    @Anjana; An experiment gone bad ! :)

  6. I like your experiment - it's something else, an almost abstract picture.
    I am a fan of everything that is pink :)


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